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May 29, 2006


Virginia Centrist

If you think Miller is a better candidate, then you should have yourself tested for mental retardation.

I am completely serious. I'm worried that your IQ may be below 70.

Mason Conservative

Its right at 71, thank you very much


Interesting analysis. Since VA is an open primary state, I may actually vote one way or the other, but I'm having a difficult time deciding which Democrat I dislike least.

Centrist -- name calling doesn't really contribute anything to the discussion. Why not post some reasoning behind your viewpoint rather than just resorting to ad-hominem?

Mason Conservative

I don't mind the name-calling. It shows that George Allen really won't have much of a problem either way if this is the level of discourse by WebbHeads.


I encourage you NOT to vote in the Democratic primary if you are not a Democrat. Its none of our business, and we wouldn't want them to do it to us. All Republicans, PLEASE stay out of the DEM primaries.

The Ghost of Tom Joad

If Webb wins, the money will come in from the national party. He doesn't have to worry about having a personal fortune to finance his campaign. It will be done for him. Also, you don't think that Mark Warner or Tim Kaine will help Webb? What's your reasoning behind that? You're also wrong that this is all about Iraq this year. That's part of it. The main theme in this year's election will be the gross negligence of the Republican Party in regards to budget priorities, oil prices, and Iraq. Your buddy Allen has hugged Bush pretty tightly in those areas. When Webb wins, Allen will have a tough time defending his record. Democrats smell blood in the water. I can hear John Williams now...

Virginia Centrist

Mason, I apologize. But I'm offended beyond belief that anyone could actually think that Harris Miller is anything other than a disaster in the general...

I'd be perfectly happy if you thought that Miller and Webb were both horrible candidates. That's a position that makes logical sense.

Atomopawn - I refuse to provide any evidence that Webb is better than Miller in the general election. Just on princple. However, if you want me to explain whether a red light means stop or go, I'll be happy to do so.


MC - Quite right. I'd heard Virginia was an open primary state, but hadn't looked into it thouroughly. Now that I find that it's done on an honor system, I'll be keeping my hands to myself. This 'honor system' business seems to defeat the purpose of an open primary, though. It rewards those who exploit the system, since honest voters will vote only in their own party, but dishonest voters will vote twice.

Can anyone tell me the rationale behind the system? There must be SOMETHING I'm missing!

Centrist -- I'm disappointed that you've chosen not to enlighten us to your viewpoint.

I've seen many arguments for Miller (for instance http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/29/AR2006052901032.html an editorial by Marc Fisher) that seem to indicate he's a better match for most Virginia Democrats (not connected to Reagan, more strongly pro-abortion, sharper contrast to Allen) and very few for Webb. I would have been very interested in your viewpoint.

Mason Conservative


You don't have to apologize to me. I know your not serious. Don't blunt your personality, its the reason why I read you.

I do think both are bad candidates, but only in the terms that this is a BIG TIME election, and these guys are both state-wide rookies. George Allen is steeped in success in the Old Dominion. It will be very hard to learn all the ropes while at the same time taking on a primetime player in George Allen.

Whatever chance either one of them had I think might be gone because of how the activists are attacking each other. It will prevent any kind of reconciliation. Its just my opinion.

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