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March 11, 2007



If Colgan does not retire, FitzSimmonds will be a senator.

George Templeton

Here is the point. Colgan has been a Senator a long time. It may not be his life but it encompasses a big part of it. He could be worried that he will be like Bear Bryant. Retire from a job he has for so long and die a few months later.
I think it is possible that for Sen. Colgan, the Assembly and its work, is something to look forward to and a reason to get up everyday and go on.


George makes some good points...however...

I think it is possible he remembers his friend Harry Parrish, who left Richmond to return to Manassas at the end of the 206 session, felt terribly ill on the drive, went straight to the PWCo Hospital, and died there-never getting to come home.

I think he may also remember the bitter primary campaign between Parrish and Chapman in 2005, and knows this relection campaign will be the same type of bruising contest.

Colgan has a passle of grandchildren, and a wealth of interests. The only real reason for him to go back is the possibility of being president pro tempore of the senate, but that would depend on the democrats getting the majority.

I think it is 51-49 that he does retire...

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