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February 02, 2008


Virginian for McCain

Great post Chris! Check out the new Johnny Mac for President Virginia-style at:


D.J. McGuire


Nice to see you see the light. Welcome aboard.

Now, all I have to do is convince you to change your mind about that Senate race . . .

Fleeting Thoughts

I enjoyed your analysis; however, the greatest threat originally proposed by Osama Bin Laden was not related to the military – it was economic. Osama wants to drain the US of its economic power by engaging us in a protracted war where we will use billions of dollars and end up leaving much like Russia in Afghanistan.

With Bush in the White House, our generals have done a superb job fighting – Petraeus and the other generals have great ideas (not arm chair politicians like McCain who claim Petraeus’ ideas are his own). McCain has been in the Senate for 24 years – he is not a solution but part of the problem. McCain sitting on all those defense committees did not keep us safe! He was advising them when all of the junk occurred, he missed it just like everybody else. He will do just as much for America continuing as the arm chair warrior he has always been.

The future of warfare is not in McCain’s experience. We are talking technology and that requires a strong economy. We need unmanned planes, smart bombs, strategic missiles, robotic arms and satellites. The next generation of warfare is Asymmetric – McCain has no experience in it.

Mitt Romney understands economic incentives – both domestic and foreign. Whether it is aiding our allies, or hindering our enemies, economics is the key to the future. Economists estimates 80% of jobs in 20 years haven’t even been thought of yet. Mitt Romney knows how to incentivize research and development in new technologies. Only Mitt Romney has the experience to position America globally to take advantage of those opportunities.

It’s time to Rally to Romney for a truly strong America. A strong economy allows us to build the strong military – thus defending us both financially and militarily.

This is a great article on Asymmetric Warefare:

Loudoun Insider

I'm firmly behind McCain as well. I find it amusing that a former Governor of Massachusetts is suddenly the great heir to the conservative mantle. Romney is far too plastic for my tastes.

Spank That Donkey

mcPain has earned a C+ during his tenure in the US Senate. Dude, you can't come up with a more devisive Republican than mcPain... you simply can not. I'd go for Guiliani over him.

The NYT must be wetting it's pants over the bloggers and other pols lining up to support their dream 2008 election. Hillary/Obama vs. mcpain...

They have won either way...

Virginian for McCain

Spank That Donkey:

So, I guess you are lining up behind Hillary and Obama? That doesn't sounds like someone who cares about conservative principles. I suppose if conservatives want to sabotage those of us who are pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-economic growth, pro-national security and pro-military, go ahead hate on Senator McCain? But try to answer this honestly, do you relly think Hillary or Obama will be better than John McCain on any of these issues? I think not. Plus, the logic that 4 years of Hillary will wake up conservatives is an argument for losers, you know why? The S.Ct.! I would rather have McCain nominating than Obama, the most liberal Senator in the entire Senate. Oh, btw, like Duncan Hunter (your guy) and Fred Thompson (my original guy), Rudy is out of the race...


Hahahaha. Remember this gem? http://masonconservative.typepad.com/the_mason_conservative/2007/03/mccain_the_flat.html

Pay special attention to my comment on that post.

Chris Beer

What can I see, Brimur!


I honestly thought he was dead in the water. I really did. But luckily, I wasn't the only.


Honestly, McCain just makes me sick.. but he's preferable to that flip-flopping con artist Romney or noted "DC" bleeding-heart Bible-thumper Huckabee. If Ron Paul is still in it on the 12th, I'm going to support him. If not, I'm seriously contemplating voting in the DEM primary for Obama to stop the Hildabeast.

steven limbaugh

Let someone read, correct and edit your editorial comments. It would be much to your benefit to do so.

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